South East Specialist Suites offers a relaxed ambience for health care professionals to provide specialist services
- Specialists
- Specialist GPs
- Clinical Psychology
- Allied Health Care professionals
South East Specialist Suites offers a relaxed ambience for health care professionals to provide specialist services
Aims, Authorship, Disclaimers & Confidentiality
To inform the user about:
The website’s intended audience are members of the public who are interested in learning about evidence-based approaches to common long term conditions.
The website does not accept or host any advertisement. There is no external funding source, and The site is 100% funded by Our Doctor. There is no commercial interest in the contents of the website, and no commercial link to any of the treatments mentioned.
The site does not replace the advice of a health professional. The information is designed to complement, not replace, the relationship between a patient and his/her own doctor. View detailed disclaimer page.
The information is authored and reviewed regularly by Our Doctor. Please note that medical information rapidly changes and therefore some information may be out of date.
The personal information collected from the visitors of our website, including their identity, remains confidential. We respect the law(s) on confidentiality applicable to this website (hosting country) and we will never pass on these data to any third party, unless required by law.
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