South East Specialist Suites FAQs
How do I decide whether to make a long appointment?
Please make a long appointment:
- for any first appointment
- Usually your second appointment for follow up of your initial issue.
- For a second opinion
- When you have more than one issue to discuss
- When you usually have long appointments
How do I get my test results?
You are asked at your first visit whether you wish to have access to the secure portal that allows you to view any pathology or imaging results.
Results are available to view on the portal as soon as the doctor has viewed the results, typically within 24 hrs of having the test.
You may otherwise ask the doctor to send you an SMS once the results are all in.
For abnormal results, you will be asked to come in for an appointment.
Where can I park?
There is parking opposite South East Specialist Suites just off John Street.
There is also a carpark at the rear of the building off Waterloo Street.
What should I do if I’m running late?
We understand that stuff happens and you might be running late.
The key is that we ask you to phone us on 07 3073 3917 as soon as you think you may be late. The doctor may also say it’s OK for you to come 10-15 minutes late – as long as you ring us first!
What is your cancellation policy?
We understand that stuff happens.
Please call us as soon as you know you need to cancel.
Online Bookings may be cancelled by you up to 24 hrs beforehand.
Refunding the deposit from online bookings within 24 hr of the appointment is not simple. The stages involved are:
- We identify which of the two methods of payment you used
- Log into the payment portal and identify the payment via a search
- Finally issue a refund.
How can I transfer my medical records to you?
The doctor will require you signed consent. This will be arranged during your visit.
What facilities do you have?
We have facilities for all standard general practice services.
Two rooms are oversized to allow the couch to be centred in the room for Skin examinations.
How far are you from the train station?
An 8 minute walk from Cleveland Railway Station.
Please Telephone us (not email) with any enquiries.